ments authorized by the Commission shall be made by checks
which must be signed by the Secretary-Treasurer and the
Chairman of the Commission.
(b) The Secretary-Treasurer shall provide for the keeping
of accurate books of account showing all receipts and all ex-
penditures, and immediately after the end of each fiscal year
of the State shall file with the State Treasurer a detailed
account of all such receipts and expenditures showing all
cash balances on hand, which account shall be accompanied
by remittance of all surplus funds on hand. The books of ac-
count shall be audited regularly by the State Auditor.
(c) The Commission is hereby authorized to pay all au-
thorized salaries and all necessary expenses out of the fees
collected under this sub-title, provided that at no time shall
the Commission incur or pay any obligations whatsoever in
excess of receipts from such fees.
290. License Required, (a) From and after June 1, 1939,
it shall be unlawful for any person, co-partnership, associa-
tion or corporation to engage in or carry on the business of
or act in the capacity of a real estate broker or real estate
salesman within this State without first obtaining a license
as herein provided.
(b) Every applicant for a license under the provisions of
this sub-title shall apply therefor in writing upon blank forms
prepared by the Commission, and every applicant for a real
estate brokers license shall be at least twenty-one years of
(c) The Commission shall have the power to require all
applicants for a license under this sub-title, including mem-
bers of co-partnerships and associations and officers of cor-
porations to present reasonable proof that they are trust-
worthy and qualified to perform the functions authorized by
the license applied for, provided all persons, co-partnerships,
associations and corporations and the members and officers
thereof and their real estate salesmen who are regularly en-
gaged or employed in the real estate business on June 1, 1939,
shall be granted a license upon applying therefor and paying
the prescribed fee.
291. Corporations, Etc. (a) Every co-partnership, associa-
tion or corporation applying for a real estate broker's license
shall designate one of its members or one of its officers who is
authorized to represent the applicant as a real estate broker,
and if such member or officer is duly qualified as herein pro-
vided his name shall be inserted in the license issued to such