tion any bill of exchange, bank check, draft or promissory
note due and presentable for acceptance or payment on
any half-holiday Saturday, such person shall not be deemed
guilty of any neglect or omission of duty, or incur any
liability in not presenting for payment or acceptance, or
collecting such bill of exchange, bank check, draft or prom-
issory note on that day; and provided further, that in con-
struing this section, every half-holiday Saturday shall,
until twelve o'clock noon, be deemed as a secular or busi-
ness day, provided, however, that the provisions of this
section shall not apply to Caroline, Howard and Talbot
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1st, 1939.
Approved May 17, 1939.
(House Bill 110)
AN ACT making appropriations for the support of the State
Government and for the aid of sundry schools and insti-
tutions and for other purposes for the fiscal years ending,
respectively, on September 30th, 1940, and on September
30th, 1941.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth
and subject to the Public General Laws of Maryland relating
to the Budget procedure, the several amounts hereinafter
names as "appropriations, " or so much thereof as shall be
sufficient to accomplish the purposes designated, are hereby
appropriated and authorized to be paid to the respective
departments, boards, commissions and officers of the State,
and to the respective schools and institutions, and for the
several purposes specified, for the fiscal year beginning Oc-
tober 1, 1939, and ending September 30th, 1940, and for the
fiscal year beginning October 1, 1940, and ending September
30th, 1941, as hereinafter indicated.