(Senate Bill 139)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section
201 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1924 Edition), title "Elections", sub-title "Primary
Elections", relating to the date for the primary election
in Baltimore City in connection with municipal elections
in said City.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 201 of Article 33 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1924 Edition), title "Elections", sub-
title "Primary Elections", be and it is hereby repealed and
re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
201. Nominations for Mayor, comptroller, president of
the City Council and members of the City Council of Bal-
timore shall be made by direct vote of the respective poli-
tical parties at primary elections to be held in all respects
according to the aforegoing provisions, applicable to pri-
mary elections in Baltimore City, except that the day for
holding the same shall be fixed by agreement between the
governing bodies of said political parties for Baltimore
City not earlier than the first day of April and not later
than the tenth day of April in the year in which the Munic-
ipal Elections in said City of Baltimore are to be held on a
different day from the general election. In case such gov-
erning bodies fail to agree on a day within the period fixed
aforesaid, said primary election shall be held on the first
Tuesday of April; provided, however, that said primary
election for the year 1939 shall be held on Wednesday, April
twelfth. At every general registration held in Baltimore
City, and in each and every County of the State, subse-
quent to April, 11, 1910, there shall be provided in the
registration books a distinct column headed "party affilia-
tions, " and the board of registers shall enter in this
column the name of the political party, if any, to which
the voter is inclined and with which the voter desires to
have himself recorded as affiliated. It shall be the duty
of the board of registry to explain to each voter that the
statement of such party affiliation does not bind him to
vote for the candidate of such party of any given election;
also that he has the right to decline to state any party
affiliations; but that no one who is not recorded upon the
registry as affiliated with a particular political party will
be qualified to vote at subsequent primary elections of said
political party. Whenever a voter declines to state his