tution of this State shall be, at the next general election to
be held in this State in the year 1940, submitted to the
legal and qualified voters thereof for their adoption or
rejection in pursuance of directions contained in Article
14 of the Constitution of this State, and at the said general
election, the vote on the said proposed amendment shall be
by ballot, and upon each ballot there shall be printed the
words "For the Constitutional Amendment" and "Against
the Constitutional Amendment, " as now prescribed by law,
and immediately after said election, due returns shall be
made to the Governor of the vote for and against said
proposed amendment as directed by said article 14 of the
Approved May 11, 1939.
(Senate Bill 137)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
203 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1924 Edition), title "Elections, " sub-title "Primary
Elections, " relating to the nomination of candidates for
offices filled by the vote of all the registered voters of
the State.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 203 of Article 33 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1924 Edition), title "Elections, " sub-
title "Primary Elections, " be and it is hereby repealed
and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:
203. Every candidate for the nomination for a State
office; that is to say, an office filled by the vote of all the
registered voters of the State of Maryland, shall be nomi-
nated by conventions, the delegates to which shall be
elected in accordance with the provisions of this article by
the direct vote of the registered voters belonging to the
political party of which the candidate is a member, and
whose nomination for such office he is seeking; the ballots
in such cases shall contain the names of the candidates
for public office, delegates to party conventions and man-
aging bodies, executives or executive committee to be
voted for as provided in the aforegoing sections, and in
addition thereto and in the same manner the names of
all candidates for state offices, who have duly qualified to