heading "Registration of Motor Vehicles and Operators", re-
lating to the size of the figures on the license plates or
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 179 of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1935 Supplement), title "Licenses", sub-title
"Motor Vehicles", sub-heading "Registration of Motor Vehicles
and Operators", be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted
with amendments to read as follows:
179. Every owner of one or more motor vehicles before the
same shall be operated in this State, and except as hereinafter
otherwise provided, shall fill in and file with the Commissioner
of Motor Vehicles, on a blank furnished by the Commissioner,
an application for the registration of such motor vehicles,
containing such information as shall be required by the Com-
The horsepower of all motor vehicles propelled by gas en-
gines, except motorcycles, shall be computed and recorded
upon the following formula, and the annual registration fee,
hereinafter provided for, paid in accordance herewith: Square
the diameter of the cylinder, multiply by the number of cylin-
ders and divide by two and one-half.
For all motor vehicles propelled by steam engines, other
than tractors and traction engines, the rating shall be based
on the system of rating adopted by the United States Gov-
Should any other motor power be used, and in case of motor
vehicles haying solid tires, the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles
is empowered to adopt such formula to govern their rating as
he may deem proper.
The said Commissioner of Motor Vehicles upon the pay-
ment of the registration fee hereinafter provided for, shall file
such application in his office and register such motor vehicles,
assigning to it a distinguishing number or mark, and shall
thereupon issue to the owner thereof a certificate of registra-
tion which shall contain the name, place of residence and post
office address of the owner, and the number or mark assigned
to such motor vehicle.
Such certificate shall be in convenient form, and shall at all
times be carried upon such motor vehicle, and shall be sub-
ject to examination upon demand by any proper officer as
hereinafter provided.
Said Commissioner, shall also, without expense to the appli-
cant, issue and deliver to such owner two duplicate metal
plates or markers bearing the letters "Md. " or word "Mary-
land" and the number or mark assigned to such motor vehicle