Chapter 520 (House Bill 260). This bill attempts to set up
a separate method of allocation of gasoline tax funds to in-
corporated towns and subdivisions of Prince George's County.
However, the measure definitely conflicts with the State-wide
Act which provides 50% for new construction. The provisions
would prevent uniformity in the State-wide distribution of
gasoline tax funds.
The State Roads Commission considers that such a pre-
cedent as set up by this bill would be damaging to the State-
wide system.
The State Roads Commission vigorously protests this bill and
urges its veto, contending that it is in direct conflict with
Senate Bill 379 (Ch. 766), in that it directs the State Roads
Commission to pay gas tax monies to various incorporated
towns in the County, rather than to have payments from the
State made to the County Commissioners as the governing body
of the County. The State Law Department also suggests that
this bill be vetoed.
Because I am anxious to preserve uniformity in the method
of expending gas tax funds to the best possible advantage for
the improvement and maintenance of the State Roads System,
I shall veto this measure.
Chapter 569 (House Bill 106). This bill requires the State
Roads Commission to pay Midland, Allegany County, the sum
of $5, 000 from the 2c Gasoline Tax Fund, of which the coun-
ties receive no share. This would alter the system under
which allocations are made to the political sub-divisions of the
State, and would be an unwise innovation. The State Roads
Commission is opposed to the measure and I shall veto it.
Chapter 404 (Senate Bill 346). The State Law Department
in its formal opinion advises that this bill should be vetoed as
being out of line with State policy. The Attorney General
states that the provisions of the bill cover only one special
case and that it should not be approved. Accordingly I am
vetoing it.