WHEREAS, never before in the history of the Nation has
there been greater need among our people for the unity, co-
operation and tolerance for which our Country's Flag stands;
WHEREAS, with the Stars and Stripes as its emblem the
United States Flag Association, a non-profit, non-partisan
and non-sectarian organization incorporated under Federal
law and headed by the President of the United States as
Honorary President General, is, with the cooperation of va-
rious groups, organizations and fields of activity in our Na-
tional Life, conducting a National Patriotic Revival, culmi-
nating in Flag Week, June 8th to 14th next, for the two-
fold purpose (1) of awakening our people to the dangers
threatening our National life, thereby causing them to resolve
as never before to uphold and preserve our Country's ideals
and institutions, and (2) of promoting National Unity,
Patriotic Cooperation and Racial and Religious Tolerance;
therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That they
heartily indorse the plan for a great National Patriotic Re-
vival, and that the Governor is hereby authorized and re-
quested, first, to request the county superintendents of schools
and the Superintendent of Public Instruction of Balti-
more City to arrange for the suitable observance of Flag
Week in all the public schools, and secondly, to issue a
proclamation calling upon the State officials to display the
United States Flag on all State buildings during Flag Week,
and inviting the people of the State to fly the Flag at their
homes and other suitable places as well as on their cars,
and that in every community they hold special exercises at
which means shall be taken to give significant expression to
our thoughtful love of America, our pride in its glorious his-
tory, our faith in its destiny, our devotion to its ideals and
institutions and our determination to uphold and preserve
them now and forever.
Approved May 27, 1939.
NO. 7.
(House Joint Resolution 28)
A Joint Resolution requesting and authorizing the appoint-
ment of a committee to arrange for a welcome to Their
Majesties, the King and Queen of England, upon entering the