30. Nothing contained in this article shall be construed
to prevent the employment of any person without a license
as a pilot to pilot a vessel in any of the rivers of this
State, except the Patapsco and Potomac Rivers or the Ches-
apeake & Delaware Canal, or from any port of the Chesa-
peake Bay north of Patapsco River, to any other port of
said bay north of said river.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect on June 1, 1939.
Approved May 17, 1939.
Senate Bill 260)
AN ACT to authorize the creation of a State debt in the
aggregate amount of Four Million, One Hundred and
Thirty Thousand Dollars ($4, 130, 000. 00), the proceeds
thereof to be used for certain necessary building con-
struction and equipment purposes for the State, for the
acquisition of Morgan College or the establishment of a
State College for Negroes, and for forestry and other
purposes, and to provide generally for the issue and sale
of Certificates of Indebtedness evidencing such loan.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Board of Public Words is hereby
authorized and directed to issue a State loan, in the aggre-
gate sum of Four Million, One Hundred and Thirty Thou-
sand Dollars ($4, 130, 000. 00) to be known as the "General
Bond Issue of 1939". One Million, Five Hundred and
Eighty-seven Thousand Dollars ($1, 587, 000. 00) of said
loan shall be dated August 15, 1939; One Million, Three Hun-
dred and Seventy Thousand Dollars ($1, 370, 000. 00) of said
loan shall be dated February 15, 1940; One Million, One
Hundred and Seventy-three Thousand Dollars ($1, 173, -
000. 00) of said loan shall be dated August 15, 1940. Said
loan shall bear interest at a rate to be fixed by the Gover-
nor, the Comptroller of the Treasury and the Treasurer of
the State, or a majority of them, not to exceed 4% per
annum, and said interest shall be paid semi-annually, and
the said loan and every part thereof and the interest pay-
able thereon shall be and remain exempt from State, county
and municipal taxation, and the principal amount of said