14. Examinations. When oral or written examina-
tions are required, they shall be held at such time and place
as the Board shall determine. If examinations are required
on fundamental engineering subjects (such as are ordi-
narily given in college curricula) the applicant shall be
permitted to take this part of the professional examination
prior to his completion of the requisite years of experience
in engineering work, and satisfactory passage of this
portion of the professional examination by the applicant
shall constitute a credit for a period of ten years.
The scope of the examinations and the methods of pro-
cedure shall be prescribed by the Board with special ref-
erence to the applicant's ability to design and supervise
engineering works so as to insure the safety of life, health
and property. Examinations shall be given for the pur-
pose of determining the qualifications of applicants for
registration separately in Professional Engineering and
Land Surveying. A candidate failing on examination may
apply for re-examination at the expiration of six months
and will be re-examined without payment of additional fee.
Subsequent examination will be granted upon payment of
a fee to be determined by the Board, which fee shall not
exceed ten dollars ($10. 00).
15. Certificates—Seals. The Board shall issue a cer-
tificate of registration upon payment of registration fee
as provided for in this Article, to any applicant who, in
the opinion of the Board, has satisfactorily met all the
requirements of this Article. In case of a registered engi-
neer, the certificate shall authorize the practice of "pro-
fessional engineering", and in the case of a registered land
surveyor, the certificate shall authorize the practice of
"land surveying. " In the case of a person who is both a
registered engineer and a registered land surveyor, only
one certificate shall be issued, which shall authorize the
practice of "Professional Engineering and Land Survey-
ing. " Certificates of registration shall show the full name
of the registrant, shall have a serial number, and shall be
signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the Board
under seal of the Board.
The issuance of a certificate of registration by this
Board shall be prima facie evidence that the person named
therein is entitled to all the rights and privileges of a
registered professional engineer, or of a registered land
surveyor or both, while the said certificate remains unre-
Each registrant hereunder shall upon registration obtain
a seal of the design authorized by the Board bearing the
registrant's name and the legend, "Registered Professional