29B. Registration forms or cards shall consist of an equal
number of original cards or loose-leaf pages of one color and
duplicate cards or loose-leaf pages of another color which shall
be of a size adequate to contain the information required by
Section 18 of this Article. Provision shall be made either on
the front or back of the registration cards or loose-leaf pages
for recording the fact that registered voters have or have not
voted at each general or primary election, and space shall be
provided for such recording for a period of not less than
twelve years. When a voter votes either at a primary or
general election, the letter "V" shall be written in the proper
space. Provision shall also be made on the front or back of
the registration cards or loose-leaf pages for showing subse-
quent changes in address.
29C. The Supervisors of Elections of Montgomery County and
the County Commissioners of Washington County shall supply
the Board of Registry with the registration cards or loose-leaf
pages and any other forms required in the same manner as they
have heretofore supplied registration books and the registration
of voters shall be conducted in every particular as prescribed by
law, except that cards or loose-leaf pages shall be used instead
of books. When such cards or loose-leaf pages have been duly
filled out and both the original and duplicate registration
forms have been signed by the applicant for registration in
the presence of both registrars, and returned to the Board of
Supervisors of Elections, the original and duplicate forms
shall be filed in different filing cases or loose-leaf binders. The
original forms shall be arranged by precincts in alphabetical
order and shall constitute the precinct register for use in
polling places on election day. The duplicate forms shall
constitute the permanent office record of the Board and shall
not be open to public inspection except in the presence of a
clerk of the Board and shall not be removed from the office of
the Board except on order of Court. The registration records
shall be open to public inspection under reasonable regula-
tions at all times when the office of the Board is open for
business, except that, during the twenty days preceding and
the ten days following an election, such records shall not be
open to public inspection except upon the special order of the
The binders containing the precinct registers shall be se-
curely locked and the keys safely kept by the Supervisors of
Election and the cabinets containing the duplicate forms shall
be securely locked, and neither the binders nor cabinets shall
be unlocked except on the authorization of the Supervisors
and then only by a clerk or other employee of said Board.