108. Substitute Magistrates. In addition to the justices
of the peace and justices of the peace at large hereinbefore
specified, the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of
the Senate, shall appoint one justice of the peace at large for
each county of the State who shall be designated "Substitute
Trial Magistrate". Such magistrate shall post the bond re-
quired of trial magistrates and shall receive a salary of
$100. 00 per year, except the substitute magistrate appointed
for Baltimore County, who shall receive $400. 00 per year in
addition to the compensation received when actually sitting as
a substitute as hereinafter provided.
In the event of the temporary absence or inability of a trial
magistrate, the substitute trial magistrate shall serve in his
place and stead during the period of his absence or inability,
and shall have the same power and authority and be subject
to the same duties and responsibilities as the said trial magis-
trate. He shall receive from the County Commissioners the
same pro-rata amount for his compensation and the same ex-
penses as would have been received under this Act by the trial
magistrate whose absence or inability caused the substitution,
and the salary of the trial magistrate so causing the substitu-
tion shall be diminished by a sum necessary to compensate
the substitute as herein provided, for any such period of
absence or inability in excess of 15 days in any one year.
109. Corporate Bond. Every trial magistrate, before enter-
ing upon his official duties, shall give to the State of Maryland
and file with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the county, a
good and sufficient bond, with corporate security to be ap-
proved by the County Commissioners of the County for which
he was appointed, in the penalty of five thousand ($5, 000. 00)
dollars, upon the condition expressed in each of said bonds
that the Justice giving it will truly and faithfully discharge,
execute and perform all and singular the duties and obligations
of a justice of the peace, and that he will account for and
pay over to the County Commissioners of the County, or to
whomsoever else may be otherwise or hereafter designated by
law as the proper recipient thereof, all fees, costs, fines, penal-
ties and forfeitures which he is bound to account for and pay
over as aforesaid, and that he will faithfully and truly ac-
count for and pay over to the person or corporation entitled
thereto all money belonging to such person or corporation
which may come into his hands as such justice of the peace.
Every justice of the peace other than a trial magistrate
or a substitute trial magistrate, shall, before entering upon his
duties, give a corporate bond similarly conditioned, in the
amount of $1, 000. 00.