Dorchester County. There shall be one trial magistrate
who shall sit at Cambridge and shall receive an annual salary
of $2, 100. 00. He shall sit not less than one day or part thereof
in each week at Hurlock. The said magistrate shall appoint
a clerk, who shall receive an annual salary of $1, 200. 00, pay-
able monthly, the said salary to be paid by the County Com-
missioners of Dorchester County.
Frederick County. There shall be five trial magistrates,
two of whom shall sit at Frederick and receive each an annual
salary of $2, 400. 00, one of whom shall sit at Emmitsburg and
receive an annual salary of $600. 00, one of whom shall sit at
Thurmont and receive an annual salary of $600. 00 and one of
whom shall sit at Brunswick and receive an annual salary of
$1, 200. 00. One of the trial magistrates at Frederick shall sit
not less than one day or part thereof in each week in Middle-
town, New Market and Buckeystown, provided that in his dis-
cretion he may sit in two or more of said towns on the same
day as the public business may require.
Garrett County. There shall be four trial magistrates, one
of whom shall sit at Oakland, and receive an annual salary of
nine hundred dollars ($900. 00), one of whom shall sit at
Grantsville and receive an annual salary of three hundred dol-
lars ($300. 00), one of whom shall sit at Friendsville and re-
ceive an annual salary of three hundred dollars ($300. 00) and
one of whom shall sit at Kitzmillersville and receive an annual
salary of three hundred dollars ($300. 00).
Harford County. There shall be four trial magistrates, one
of whom shall sit at Bel Air, who shall receive an annual
salary of two thousand dollars ($2, 000); one at Havre de
Grace, who shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred
dollars ($1, 200); one at Aberdeen, who shall receive an annual
salary of one thousand dollars ($1, 000), and one at Darling-
ton, who shall receive an annual salary of three hundred dol-
lars ($300). In addition to the provisions of Section 108, the
substitute trial magistrate for Harford County shall sit at
Bel Air, when not otherwise substituting, and shall also sit
at Edgewood not less than two days or parts thereof each week,
as the public business may require, and who shall receive a
salary of six hundred dollars ($600) a year.
Howard County. There shall be three trial magistrates,
each of whom shall receive an annual salary of $1, 200. 00. One
of said magistrates shall sit at Ellicott City, one at Elkridge
and one at Savage, provided that the magistrate at Ellicott
City shall sit at least one day or a part thereof in each week at