Bill of 1933 becomes effective, and such Superintendent and
employees shall thereafter receive such compensation as may
be provided from time to time, by the Budget of Appropria-
660D. The manner of commitments to said institution,
and receiving inmates into said institution, shall be as now
provided by the laws of this State for the Maryland Training
School for Boys for white male minors under Sections 621,
622 and 623 of this Article, as fully and absolutely as if the
same were herein repeated, recited and specifically set out and
re-enacted; provided, however, that the inmates in the In-
dustrial Home for Colored Girls who are confined in said
institution by virtue of any commitment heretofore or here-
after made, shall, with the approval of the Board of Managers
of the Industrial Home for Colored Girls, be transferred to the
Maryland Training School for Colored Girls, and upon the
transfer of such inmates to the Maryland Training School for
Colored Girls, the County or City of Baltimore from which the
said inmates were committed, shall pay to the Board of Man-
agers of the Maryland Training School for Colored Girls, the
sum of one hundred and eighty ($180. 00) dollars per annum
for each inmate so transferred, the said sum to be levied and
paid in the manner provided by Section 660E of this Article.
The said institution shall also1 be authorized to receive into
said institution any colored female minor who may be com-
mitted thereto pending any hearing by any of the courts of
this State.
660E. The Board of Managers of the Maryland Training
School for Colored Girls shall provide accommodations and
proper care and training for colored girls committed to said
institution. For each colored female minor committed to the
Maryland Training School for Colored Girls from the City of
Baltimore, or any of the counties of the State, the said city or
county, as the case may be, shall pay to the Board of Managers
of the Maryland Training School for Colored Girls, at the
rate of one hundred and eighty ($180. 00) dollars per annum,
payable in equal quarterly installments of forty-five ($45. 00)
dollars at the end of each quarter of the calendar year, subject
to a rebate for any proportionate part of a quarter. And the
Board of County Commissioners of each county and the Mayor
and City Council of. Baltimore City are hereby authorized and
required to levy annually upon the assessable property in each