Any person desiring to be a candidate for an elective office
under the terms of this Act shall file, not less than fifteen days
previous to the date of election, with the Board of Election
Supervisors herein provided for, a petition setting forth that
said candidate is not less than thirty years of age, a citizen
of the United States, that he is an owner of real property,
or is purchasing real property in Cheverly, under contract,,
that he has been an actual dweller within the limits of said
town for not less than two years next preceding the date of
election, and setting forth the ward in which said candidate
dwells and the name of the office he seeks. Said petition for
any candidate for Mayor shall bear not less than ten signatures
of persons qualified to vote for said candidate and said petition
of any candidate for Councilman shall bear not less than five
signatures of persons qualified to vote for said candidate under
the provisions of this Act. The Board of Election Supervisors
shall cause to be given general publicity the names of such
eligible candidates with, the names of the offices they seek, and
shall post all of such names and offices conspicuously at the
SEC. 19. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
of determining whether the citizens of Cheverly desire to in-
corporate, there shall be held an election within sixty days
from the date of passage of this Act, the manner and procedure
of which shall be as follows:
The committee to conduct such election shall consist of
Fred W. Gast, Fred W. Nickel, Carl W. Riddick and Bert
H. Wise as judges of election, and Caroline R. Borden and
William R. Gaither as clerks; and if any of said committee
are unable or decline to serve, the remaining members of said
committee are empowered to select some resident voter of said
town to fill his place.
Said committee shall, not less than ten days before said
election, cause to be posted in not less than four public places
within the proposed corporate limits of said town a notice to
the citizens of said town who are qualified under this Act fa
vote, that there will be held on said day at a certain place
within the limits of said town and between certain hours an
election to determine whether said citizens shall adopt this
charter. The said committee shall have power to register
voters in accordance with the provisions of Section 16 of this
Act, which registration shall be held at the time and place of