become a Jaw, and the same shall become operative or repealed
by a majority of the votes cast in this election.
SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
of conducting elections of the town, the Mayor and Town
Council of Cheverly shall have full power to appoint two
citizens of the town for the registration of voters. The Mayor
and Town Council shall have full power, by ordinance, not in
conflict with the laws of the State of Maryland, to provide a
reasonable system of registration of voters in town elections,
and in the event of the passage of such ordinance or ordinances,
registration of voters in accordance with said ordinance or
ordinances shall be necessary before any applicant is qualified
to vote; and the Mayor and Town Council shall, annually, on
or before the first Monday in April, appoint three judges and
two clerks to conduct an election by ballot on the first Monday
in May, for the election of two Town Councilmen annually,
and for the election of a Mayor every two years. All elections
for town purposes shall, as nearly as practicable, be conducted
in a manner similar to those for election of county officers in
Prince George's County, except as herein otherwise provided.
The Mayor shall be elected by the combined vote of all of the
wards of the town, and the Councilmen shall be elected by the
votes of the. wards in which they dwell. The candidate for
each office who shall receive the greater number of votes than
any other candidate for said office shall be declared elected, and
in the event of a tie vote another election shall be held as soon
as practicable to elect one of the candidates so tied.
In all town elections public notice thereof shall be posted
in not less than four public places, at least ten days before
the date of election; the polls shall be open between the hours
of eleven A. M. and eight P. M., and three judges and two
clerks hereinbefore mentioned in this section shall constitute
a Board of Election Supervisors and shall determine the quali-
fications and right of each voter to participate in the town
election by asking each applicant, who presents himself to vote,,
three questions under oath: First, "Have you dwelt within
the Town of Cheverly for a period of not less than one year
next preceding this election ?" Second, "Are you twenty-one
years of age, or over ?" Third, "Are you now a registered
voter of Cheverly V\ Should the answers of the applicant-
be in the affirmative to all of said questions, then it shall be
the duty of said Board of Election Supervisors to allow such