said offender to hard labor for a sufficient length of time "until
said labor will satisfy the fine and costs, the price allowed for
the labor thus done to be the same as that allowed for persons
regularly hired to perform such labor, or in the county jail,,
and the sheriff of Prince George's County shall receive and.
confine any person, so committed.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That every officer of
said town, whether elected or appointed, shall, before entering
upon the duties of his office, make oath that he will diligently
and faithfully, without favor, affection or partiality, execute
the duties of his office. The elective officers of said town shall
make such oath before any -Justice of the Peace or Notary Pub-
lic of Prince George's County, and the appointive officers be-
fore the Mayor of said town, who shall have the power to ad-
minister oaths within said town. The certificate of said oath
shall be filed with either the Mayor or the clerk of said Council.
The Mayor and Treasurer of said town shall, before assum-
ing their duties as such officers, also take the oath of office be-
fore the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Prince George's County,
Maryland, who shall administer the oath prescribed herein for
town officers of Seat Pleasant
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted. That the Council shall
annually appoint three persons as officers of registration, whose
duty it shall be to enter in alphabetical order in proper and
convenient books to be provided by the Council, the names of"
all persons applying for registration who are entitled to vote-
under the provisions of this Charter; and for the purpose of
ascertaining the facts, the said officers of registration are here-
by empowered to administer oaths to applicants and witnesses,..
touching the qualifications of applicants for registration under
the terms of this Charter. Such officers of registration shall
sit, with their official books, for registration of qualified appli-
cants, from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. on the Tuesday and Wednesday
preceding every municipal election, a right of challenge and of
presentation of facts, relating to qualifications, and a right to
appeal to the Council from the decision of the registration
officers is hereby granted to any person or persons aggrieved.
by the decision of such officers. The Council shall sit between.
the hours of 8 P. M. and 10 P. M. on Thursday before election,
and at such other times as may be necessary prior to the elec-
tion, to hear such appeals if any, and the evidence relative
thereto. The decision of the Council on such appeals shall be.