of any report of tax and/or assessment sales, a fee of fifteen
dollars ($15) in full payment of the costs of the said Clerk in
such cause.
257G. Within thirty (30) days after any such tax and/or
assessment sale, the said Clerk-Treasurer shall deliver to the
purchaser or purchasers (except the Mayor and Council of
Colmar Manor), of any real estate sold by him at such tax
sales, a certificate which shall set forth the name or names of
the owner or owners of the real estate so sold; a description of
said real estate; the name or names of the purchaser or pur-
chasers; the amount of the purchase price; and that said real
estate may be redeemed within two years from the date of sale
upon the payment to the said Clerk-Treasurer of amount of
said sale, together with interest at the rate of twelve (12) per
centum per annum on said purchase price.
257H. The clerk-treasurer of the Mayor and Council of Col-
mar Manor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and de-
liver to the purchaser or purchasers (except the Mayor and
Council of Colmar Manor) of any real estate so sold for taxes
and/or assessments, and not set aside by the court, a deed to
the real estate so sold and not redeemed within the time herein
limited. Said deed shall vest in the purchaser or purchasers
of any piece or pieces of real estate at any such tax and/or
assessment sales, a fee simple title therein. Said deed shall
recite the name or names of the owner or owners of said real
estate at the time the same was sold; "a description of the real
estate; the purchase price, the fact that the same has not been
redeemed within the time limited by this Act, that the sale
thereof has been ratified by the court, and that said deed, under
the provisions of this Act, vests a fee simple in the purchaser
or purchasers of said real estate, their heirs or assigns.
257-1. Upon the redemption of any real estate sold for taxes
and/or assessments under the provisions of this Act, the said
Clerk-Treasurer shall collect and pay to the purchaser or pur-
chasers thereof interest on the purchase price at the rate of
twelve (12) per centum per annum accruing between the date
of any such sale and the date of such redemption.
257J. Upon the demand of any owner or owners of real
estate so sold for taxes and/or assessments, the said Clerk-Treas-
urer shall pay to him or them the difference between the amount