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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 261   View pdf image (33K)
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ALBERT C. RITCHIE, GOVERNOR.                  261


AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section
136 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, en-
titled "Elections, " sub-title "Miscellaneous Provisions, " so
as to eliminate the requirements that the boundaries of newly
established precincts in Baltimore City be published once a
week for two successive weeks before the first day of July in
each year in which new boundaries are established, and to
provide that notice of the boundaries of such new precincts
shall be published at least one -week before the first day of
registration following the establishment of the new boundaries.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 136 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland, entitled "Elections, " sub-title "Miscellaneous
Provisions, " be, and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted
with amendments, so as. to read as follows:

136. The boundaries of the election districts of the counties
and of the wards of Baltimore City shall remain as now estab-
lished by law, but before the first general registration held un-
der this article, and before every subsequent general registra-
tion, or whenever in the judgment of the board of supervisors
of elections of Baltimore City it shall be deemed expedient, it
shall be the duty of said board to divide and establish precincts
in the said wards, as in the judgment of said board shall best
promote the convenience of voters; provided, that no precinct
upon the basis of the registry of voters in use at the election in
the next year preceding that in which such precincts are divided
and established shall contain over four hundred and fifty reg-
istered voters in the city. In dividing and establishing precincts
in the City of Baltimore, the new precincts shall conform to
the boundaries of the legislative and congressional districts es-
tablished by law. The precincts of each ward shall be numbered
from one upward, consecutively. The boundaries of said pre-
cincts shall be made known by advertising in one or more news-
papers in said city one time and at least one week before the first
day of registration following the establishment of the new
boundaries. Such additional books of registry and such copies
of the original books of registry of the year 1903, as are provided
by the said board of supervisors of elections under the provi-
sions of this section, and the original books of registry of Balti-
more City for the year 1903, shall be used at the general election
to be held in the City of Baltimore in said years 1904 and 1905.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on June 1st, 1931.

Approved April 6, 1931.


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 261   View pdf image (33K)
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