printed or engraved thereon. Said bonds, when signed and at-
tested as heretofore directed, shall be delivered to the Clerk of
Salisbury, and the bond of said Clerk of Salisbury shall be
responsible for the safekeeping of said bonds and the proceeds
thereof. The Clerk of Salisbury shall sell said bonds at pub-
lic auction or by sealed bids, after giving at least two weeks'
public notice thereof in one or more newspapers published in
the City of Salisbury, and in one or more newspapers published
in the City of Baltimore, under the supervision of and at such
times and in such amounts as the Mayor and Council of Salis-
bury shall order, but no bonds shall be sold by sealed bids, ex-
cept at prices approved by the Mayor and Council of Salisbury.
The said Clerk of Salisbury shall deliver said bonds so sold to
the purchaser or purchasers thereof, and receive the money
therefor, including any premiums thereon, and shall report
under oath to the Mayor and Council of Salisbury, his proceed-
ings in the premises as soon as possible after said sale, with the
name or names of the purchasers to whom said bonds have been
sold and delivered, together with the amount received on each
bond so sold, and said money, including said premiums, if any,
shall be immediately credited by the Clerk of Salisbury on his
books to the "Water and Sewer Extension Fund of 1931, " to be
applied only for the purposes specified in this Act.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Council of Salisbury shall each year charge and collect for the
water supplied to the residents of the City of Salisbury and
vicinity, a sum sufficient to pay the expenses heretofore and
hereafter necessary for the maintenance, repairing and opera-
tion of the water supply and water and sewerage systems of
Salisbury, and to pay the interest on the bonds to be issued in
pursuance of this Act and to pay the principal amount of said
bonds maturing in such year, and the money so charged and
collected shall be kept and maintained in a separate fund.
In the event the Mayor and Council of Salisbury shall in any
year fail to charge and collect for the water supplied to resi-
dents of the City of Salisbury and vicinity a sum sufficient to
pay the expenses heretofore and hereafter necessary for the
maintenance, repairing and operating of the Water and sewer-
age systems of Salisbury and to pay the interest on the bonds
to be issued in pursuance of this Act and to pay the principal
amount of such bonds maturing in any given year, the said
Mayor and Council of Salisbury are -hereby authorized and