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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1251   View pdf image (33K)
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ALBERT C. RITCHIE, GOVERNOR.                1251

The policy may provide that the insured, or any other per-
son covered by the policy shall reimburse the insurance car-
rier for payments made on account of any loss or damage claim
or suit involving a breach of the terms, provisions or conditions
of the policy; and further, if the policy shall provide for limits
in excess of the limits specified in this section, the insurance
carrier may plead against any plaintiff, with respect to the
amount of such excess limits of liability, any defenses which it
may be entitled to plead against the insured, and any such
policy may further provide for the prorating of the insurance
thereunder with other applicable valid and collectible insur-

(b)   The policy, the written application therefor, if any, and
any rider or endorsement which shall not conflict with the pro-
visions of this Act shall constitute the entire contract between
the parties.

(c)   The Insurance carrier shall, upon the request of the
insured, deliver to the insured for filing, or at the request of
the insured shall file direct, with the Commissioner of Motor
Vehicles an appropriate certificate in conformity with the pro-
visions of Section 187D of this Act.

(d)   Any carrier authorized to issue motor vehicle liability
policies may, pending the issue of such a policy, execute an
agreement, to be known as a "Binder"; or may, in lieu of such
a policy, issue an endorsement to an existing policy. Every
such binder or endorsement shall be subject to the provisions
of this section and shall be construed to provide indemnity or
insurance in like manner and to the same extent as a motor
vehicle liability policy.

187JST. The following words, as used in this Act, shall have
the following meanings:

(a)   The singular shall include the plural; the masculine
shall include the feminine and neuter, as requisite.

(b)   "Person" shall include individuals, partnerships, cor-
porations, receivers, referees, trustees, executors and adminis-
trators; and shall also* include the owner of any motor vehicle
as requisite, but shall not include the State or any political
subdivision thereof.

(c)   "Motor vehicle" shall include trailers, motorcycles and

(d)   "Province" shall mean any province of the Dominion
of Canada.


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1251   View pdf image (33K)
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