124. To the Deed from the Lafayette Square Presbyterian
Church of the City of Baltimore, to David E. Rice, dated
April 5th, 1929, and recorded among the Land Records of
Baltimore City, in Liber S, C. L. No. 4989, folio 393, etc, of
property on the west side of Carrollton Avenue north of Lan-
vale Street.
125. To the Deed from David E, Rice to the St. Johns
African Methodist Episcopal Church of the 'City of Baltimore,
dated April 5th, 1929, and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City, in Liber S. C. L. No. 4989, folio 398, etc.,
of property on the west side of Carrollton Avenue north of
Lanvale Street.
126. To the Deed from the St. Johns African Methodist
Episcopal Church of the City of Baltimore, a corporation, to
the Lafayette Square Presbyterian Church of the City of Bal-
timore, a corporation, dated April 5th, 1929, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L.
No. 4989, folio 94, etc., of property on the north side of Lex-
ington Street east of Pine Street.
127. To the Deed from the Northwest Real Estate Com-
pany, a corporation, to the Lafayette Square Presbyterian
Church of the City of Baltimore, dated April 8th, 1929, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber
S. C. L, No. 4989, folio 514, etc., of property at the northeast,
corner of Edmondson Avenue and Winans Way.
128. To the following bequests contained in the Last Will
and Testament of Daniel E. Oswald, deceased, of record in
"Wills, " Liber 16, folios 251, etc., one of the record books in
the office of the Register of Wills of Washington County:
(a) To the Ladies Aid or Mite Society of Smithsburg
Evangelical Lutheran Church under the provisions set forth
in said Will, $100. 00.
(b) To the Ladies Aid or Mite Society of Cavetown Re-
formed Church, under the provisions set forth in said Will,
$100. 00.
(c) To the Aid or Mite Society of Cavetown Reformed
Churchj in the name of decedent's wife, $100. 00.
(d) To the Aid or Mite Society of Cavetown Reformed
Church to be held for the Chapel Fund, $50. 00.