1002 , LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 399
as Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church), in fee simple, a tract
of land in the center of New Neck Road, leading into Back
River from the Baltimore and Havre de Grace turnpike, con-
taining two acres, one rood and 25 square perches of land,
more or less.
55. To the Deed dated April 7th, 1883, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber W.
M. I. No. 134, folio 89, etc., by which there was granted and
conveyed by Wilson Townsend and wife, et al., to Fred
Teufel, et al., Trustees of the German Lutheran Presbyterian
Church of Baltimore County (also known as Zion Evangelical
Lutheran Church), in fee simple, a tract of land in the center
of the Baltimore and Havre de Grace Turnpike Road, con-
taining one acre of land, more or less.
56. To the Deed dated April 8th, 1929, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L.
No. 4989, folio 514, etc., by which the Northwest Real Estate
Company granted and conveyed unto the Lafayette Square
Presbyterian Church of the City of Baltimore (now changed
to the Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Church of Baltimore
City), lots Nos. 3 and 4 on the Revised Plat of Hunting,
Ridge, recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
in Liber S. 0. L. No. 4334, folio 618.
57. To the deed dated December 1st, 1930, and recorded as-
aforesaid in Liber S. C. L. No. 5177, folio 514, by which the
Northwest Real Estate Company granted and conveyed unto*
the Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Church of Baltimore City
Lots Nos. 1 and 2 on the Revised Plat of Hunting Ridge.
58. To the deed dated June 27th, 1901, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber N. B.
M. No. 254, folio 129, etc., by which there was granted and
conveyed by Charles H. Nichols and wife to the trustees of the
German Lutheran Presbyterian Church of Baltimore County
(also known as Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church), in fee
simple, a tract of land in the center of the New Neck Road
leading into Back River Neck from the Baltimore and Havre
de Grace Turnpike Road, containing six acres of land, more
or less.
59. To the following bequests contained in the Last Will
and Testament of Sophia W. Dietsch, late of Baltimore City,.