mont, Maryland, and the sum of $5000. 00, to Morris A.
Birely, Trustee, for the benefit of the officers or trustees
of the Lutheran and Reformed Churches at Rocky Ridge,
in Frederick County, Maryland, and to the payment of said
bequests by said Trustee unto any corporations formed for
the purpose of carrying on and maintaining the cemetery
at Thurmont, and also at Rocky Ridge, in Frederick
County, Maryland, as contained in the last Will and Testa-
ment of William H. Mort, late of Frederick County, Mary-
land, deceased, said Will being dated June 22nd, in the year
1923, and recorded in Liber C. H. B. No. 1, at folios 460, etc.,
one of the Will Records in the officer of the Register of Wills
for Frederick County, Maryland.
4. To the following bequests contained in the Last Will
and Testament of Charles E. Meyer, late of Baltimore City,
deceased, of record in the office of the Register of Wills for
Baltimore City in Wills Liber J. H. B. No. 182, folio 21 &e.:
(1. ) To the Presbyterian Eye, Ear and Throat Charity
Hospital (called in said Will The Presbyterian Ear, Eye
and Throat Charity Hospital), One Thousand Dollars.
(2. ) To the Presbyterian Home of Maryland, Incorpo-
rated (called in said Will The Presbyterian Home of Mary-
land, Inc. ), Five Hundred Dollars.
(3. ) To the Nursery and Child's Hospital of Baltimore
City (called in said Will The Nursery and Child's Hospital
of Baltimore, Incorporated), Two Hundred Fifty Dollars.
5. To the following bequests contained in the Last Will
and Testament of William F. Thiemeyer, late of Baltimore
City, deceased, probated in the Orphans' Court of Baltimore
City on February 26, 1936:
(1. ) Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sara-
toga Street and Fremont Avenue, Baltimore, Two Hundred
Fifty Dollars.
(2. ) The Augsburg Home Association for Orphans and
the Aged, Two Hundred Fifty Dollars.
1 6. To the assignment from Michael L. Eisenreich, Flor-
ence A. Cronhardt and Howard W. Rittase, Executors of the
last Will and Testament and codicils of Charles Cronhardt,
Jr., deceased, to the Trustees of the Shomre Hadath Hebrew
Congregation, a corporation, dated September 16, 1935, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in
Liber S. C. L. No. 5562, folio 431, of property at the corner