or at such other places as may be designated by said Board
of Supervisors of Election, and which shall include the
registering of voters, the change of party affiliations and
the transfer of voters; and such other duties as may be
prescribed from time to time by the Board of Supervisors
of Election, such as keeping the records and files of the
office, sending out notices, etc. In case of the absence, due
to illness or other cause, of any member of said permanent
board of registry, he shall designate some other person
of the same political party to act in his place under the
same conditions and terms as in the case of absent judges
of election. The members of the permanent board of reg-
istry shall take and subscribe the same oath as is admin-
istered to the judges who act as boards of registry for the
several precincts. Each member of said permanent board
of registry for Montgomery County shall be paid an annual
salary of two thousand ($2, 000. 00) dollars, which shall be
paid in equal monthly payments by the County Commis-
sioners of said County, and each member shall be paid
the actual expenses incident to the operation of his auto-
mobile in performing the duties of his office but not to ex-
ceed Four Hundred Dollars ($400. 00) per annum.
The member of the permanent board of registry to be
appointed by the Governor shall take office not later than
April 1, 1936, and shall remain in office until the first
Monday of May, 1937, and until his successor qualify ac-
cording to law.
In addition to the methods of making the declaration
of intention as provided for in sections thirty-one (31), and
thirty-two (32), declarations of intentions in Montgomery
County, may also be made before either one of the members
of the said permanent board of registry subject to all the
other provisions of said section thirty-two (32).
29-E. After January 1, 1938, the Supervisors of Elec-
tions of Montgomery County shall provide for one day of
supplemental registration preceding each general election
in the several precincts or election districts. The one day
of supplemental registration preceding each general elec-
tion in the several precincts or election districts shall be
on the fourth Tuesday preceding the regular election in
November. All registrations shall be carefully checked
and in case any person is found to have registered more
than once, the additional registration form shall be can-
celled by the Board.