are outstanding, a sum of money sufficient to pay the inter-
est on said bonds, and such further sums as are necessary
to retire said bonds upon their respective maturity dates as
aforesaid, and shall pay the interest and redeem the bonds
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
City Council of Cumberland shall cause proper advertise-
ment to be made stating the time and place where bids,
condi tioned as said Mayor and City Council may require,
will be opened, for the sale of said bonds as a whole or in
parts, reserving unto itself the right to reject any and all
bids. Said bids, together with such certified checks as may
be required, shall be filed with the City Clerk, and at the
time and place advertised, shall be opened by him in the
presence of the Mayor and City Council, and if said bids
be satisfactory to the Mayor and City Council, it shall
sell said bonds, or any part thereof, to the highest bidder
or bidders therefor, of whose ability to comply with the
terms of sale the said Mayor and City Council, in its dis-
cretion, is satisfied.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
City Council of Cumberland is hereby authorized and em-
powered to use the proceeds from the sale of the bonds
herein authorized to be issued, or any part thereof, when
and as the same may from time to time become available,
for the repair, repair and improvement of public property
within the corporate limits of the City of Cumberland, dam-
aged or destroyed by the flood of March 17, 1936, and March
18, 1936, or any subsequent flood or floods, to the extent
that said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland, in its dis-
cretion, may deem necessary, and for all purposes incidental
to such repairs and replacements, including, but not by way
of limitation, the repair or replacement of streets, alleys,
bridges, public buildings, sewers, water lines, and any and
all other public works owned or controlled by the said
Mayor and City Council of Cumberland which have been
or may hereafter be injured or damaged, directly or in-
directly, by any such flood; the compensation of those em-
ployed in making such repairs or replacements; the pay-
ment for surveys and all other work done in connection
therewith; and the payment of claims for workmen's com-
pensation arising in the course of the performance of any
and all of such work, provided, however, that none of said
proceeds shall be used except for public purposes.