trator to assume the office of Commissioner of Mental Hygiene of
the State of Maryland; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates be and
he is hereby directed to send a copy of this Resolution to Dr. Clif-
ton T. Perkins.
Which was read and adopted.
At 12:45 o'clock P. M., on motion of Mr. Pumphrey, the House
took a recess until 2:30 o'clock P. M.
At 2:30 o'clock P. M., the House resumed its session.
Present at roll call were the following members:
Speaker, Guyther, Mattingly, Harris, Jester, Lankford, Lowman, McNulty,
Moss, Wigley, Tyler, Hall, Hance, Cooksey, Winkler, Beckwith, Boone,
Ensor, Rockenbaugh, Warren, Wenig, Chaires, Lowe, Nelson, Hoffman,
Todd, Ward, Brinsfield, Horner, Malkus, Webb, Benson, Jackson, Scar-
borough, Burch, McGrath, McLeish, Pumphrey, Steward, Wilkinson, B'aker,
Walls, Dennis, Richardson, Shockley, Alexander, Derr, Hauver, Payne,
Ramsburg, Virts, Baldwin, De Ran, James, McLean, Banning, McDaniel,
Bertorelli, Duffy, Kosakowski, Milanicz, Mrozinski, Silk, Behounek, McKewen,
Murphy, Schueler, Valis, Weintraub, Albers, Buffington, Dempsey, Dippel,
O'Malley, Tawney, Melnicove, Pollack, Robinson, Shapiro, Siegel, Sklar,
Argabright, Bandiere, Geraghty, Kennedy, Luber, Preston, Baynes, Curry,
Davis, Griffin, Meyer, W. W., Thomrnen, Ankeney, Bloom, Downey, Hicks,
Huyett, Newcomer, Clark, Hyde, King, Lofstrand, Reeves, Rush, Cook, Fey,
Geppert, Reed, See, Whitworth, Barnes, Hahn, Six, Smith, Carr, Messick,
Nock, Potts, White, Coddington, McIntire, Myers, J. C. Total—123
On motion of Mr. Pumphrey, seconded by Mr. Luber, and two-
thirds of the members-elect voting in the affirmative, the rules were
suspended by yeas and nays as follows for the purpose of reporting
House Bill No. 1.
Speaker, Guyther, Mattingly, Harris, Jester, Lankford, Lowman, McNulty,
Moss, Wigley, Tyler, Hall, Hance, Cooksey, Winkler, Beckwith, Boone,
Ensor, Rockenbaugh, Warren, Wenig, Chaires, Lowe, Nelson, Hoffman,
Todd, Ward, Brinsfield, Horner, Malkus, Webb, Benson, Jackson, Scar-
borough, Burch, McGrath, McLeish, Pumphrey, Steward, Wilkinson, Baker,
Walls, Dennis, Richardson, Shockley, Alexander, Derr, Hauver, Payne,
Ramsburg, Virts, Baldwin, De Ran, James, McLean, Banning, McDaniel,
Bertorelli, Duffy, Kosakowski, Milanicz, Mrozinski, Silk, Behounek, McKewen,
Murphy, Schueler, Valis, Weintraub, Albers, Buffington, Dempsey, Dippel,