(Senate Bill 2)
AN ACT making emergency appropriations from the general
surplus for the support of the State government and other
related purposes for the remainder of the fiscal year end-
ing June 30, 1947.
WHEREAS, because of the general increase in the cost of
goods and services, and the fact that existing salaries were
deemed insufficient to keep and recruit adequate personnel for
the carrying out of necessary State functions, the State Em-
ployees Standard Salary Board, pursuant to its statutory
duty and function, recommended to the Governor a general
increase in the salaries of State employees, and
WHEREAS, the Governor, with the concurrence of the Board
of Public Works, approved the pay plan so recommended as
of September 1, 1946, and it was then put into effect, and
WHEREAS,, the same economic forces which required the
said salary increases have required and will require during
the current fiscal year the expenditure by various State depart-
ments, boards, commissions and officers of sums of money
for necessary supplies and commodities far in excess of that
estimated in and provided by the present budget, and
WHEREAS, the regular session of the General Assembly of
Maryland, under the Constitution and laws of the State must
pass the budget for the ensuing biennium before it can ap-
propriate money to meet the deficiencies for the current fis-
cal year which will occur for the reasons stated, so that some
State departments, boards, commissions and officers would
be without funds for payroll and operating expenses before
additional appropriations could be made effective by the
regular session; therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the several amounts hereinafter named as "Defi-
ciency Allowances", or so much thereof as shall be sufficient
to accomplish the purposes designated, are hereby appro-
priated and authorized to be paid as emergency appropriations
from the general surplus fund account of the State Treasury
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947, to the respective de-
partments, boards, commissions and officers of the State, and
to the respective schools and institutions, and for the several
purposes specified for the remainder of the current fiscal year
ending June 30, 1947, as hereinafter indicated, and said
amounts shall be paid and expended only in full accordance