keeping adjustment that will transfer the required amount from
surplus for use during the remaining months of the fiscal year.
As the bill providing for the specific allotments to the various
departments will be presented to you today, it is not necessary
to go into detail here concerning the allotments. Suffice it to say
that even after adequate provision is made for all unexpected re-
quirements, there will be a substantial unencumbered surplus re-
maining in excess of $12,000,000 at the year's end, including the
working fund of $2,000,000.
After these emergency requirements have been provided, the mem-
bers of your Body can take pride in the fact that, at the end of
your terms, the State will be vastly better off financially than was
teh case eight, or even four, years ago.
In addition to the projected surplus as already outlined, there
is on hand in the State Treasury another $7,750,000 in the post-war
construction fund. At the same time, it must be remembered that
the State's bonded indebtedness, which was more than $48,000,000
in 1939, is now reduced to $18,750,000.
In view of the season and the fact that a number of the members
of your Body will convene here in regular session next Wednesday,
I think it extremely likely that you will find it possible to transact
the business of this session in short order. The necessary bills are
in readiness and the information on which to base action is readily
Assuring you of my willingeness and desire to work closely with
you, to the end that the State's business may be transacted with
the utmost dispatch, and wishing you all the joys of the Christmas
Season and all possible happiness and prosperity in the New Year,
I am,
Very sincerely yours,
Which was read.
Upon motion of Senator Davis the following Senators were
excused from today's session because of illness:
Senators Bowling, Kimble and Dize.
By Senator Funk:
Resolved, That the following shall be desk officers for the Extra-
ordinary Session of December 27, 1946: