SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That two new sections be
and they are hereby added to said Article 78B, said new sec-
tions to be known as Sections 15A and 15B, and to follow
immediately after Section 15 of said Article, and to read as
15A. All sums collected by the Eacing Commission tinder the
provisions of this Article shall be paid over to the Comptroller,
and shall be distributed as follows: (1) One-half of all tax
revenues received from persons, firms or associations licensed
under Section 8 of this Article shall be allocated and credited
to the general funds of the State and the remaining one-half
shall be allocated and paid to the counties, incorporated
towns and Baltimore City on the basis of population accord-
ing to the latest available Federal census; (2) One-half of all
tax revenues received from persons, firms or associations
licensed under Section 14 of this Article shall be allocated and
credited to the general funds of the State, one-fourth of the
said revenues shall be allocated and paid to the counties, in-
corporated towns and Baltimore City on the basis of popula-
tion according to the latest available Federal census and one-
fourth shall be allocated and credited to the Maryland State
Fair Board to be used for the promotion of State and County
agricultural fairs and exhibits. In determining the popula-
tion of each county for the purposes of this section, the popu-
lation of all incorporated towns in such county shall be ex-
15B. The provisions of this Article are intended to be state-
wide and exclusive in their effect and no city, county or other
political sub-division of the State shall have the authority
or power to make or enforce any local law, ordinance or
regulation upon the subject of racing or to impose or collect
any additional license fee or tax with respect to racing, other
than the general property tax.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That in the event the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore do not before January 1, 1947,
repeal Ordinance No. 747, approved December 23, 1946, levying
and imposing a 5% tax on all wagers made on races or racing
in Baltimore City during the year 1947, then no part of the
funds or revenues collected by the Eacing Commission under
the provisions of Article 78B, as amended by this Act, during
the period said ordinance shall be in effect, shall be allocated
or paid to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore as pro-
vided in Section 15A of said Article 78B, as enacted by this
Act, but said amounts so provided to be allocated and paid
to Baltimore City shall during such period be allocated and
credited to the general funds of the State.