have the power to require that the book and financial or other
statements of any person, corporation or association licensed
under the provisions of this Article shall be kept in any man-
ner which to the Commission may seem best, and that the
Commission shall also be authorized to visit, to investigate
and to place expert accountants and such other persons as it
may deem necessary, in the offices, tracks or places of business
of any such person, corporation or association, for the pur-
pose of satisfying itself that the Commission's rules and
regulations are strictly complied with, and the salaries and
expenses of such expert accountants or other persons shall be
paid by the person, corporation or association to whom they
are assigned. The said Commission shall have power to sum-
mon witnesses before it and to administer oaths or affirma-
tions to such witnesses whenever, in the judgment of the said
Commission, it may be necessary for the effectual discharge
of their duties; and any person failing to appear before said
Commission at the time and place specified in answer to said
summons, or refusing to testify, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and, upon indictment and conviction in a Court
of competent jurisdiction, shall be punishable by a fine of
not more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) or by sentence
to jail for not more than six months, or by sentence to both
fine and imprisonment, in the judgment of the Court. False
swearing on the part of any witnesses shall be deemed perjury
and shall be punished as such.
12. Every person or persons, association or corporation
licensed to hold racing meets within the State of Maryland as
hereinbefore provided, shall on or before the 20th day of
December of each year return to the Commission a full state-
ment, under oath, of their receipts from all sources what-
soever during the calendar year, and of all expenses and dis-
bursements, all itemized in manner and form as shall be
directed by the Commission, and with such allowances as may
be approved by the Commission, showing the net revenue from
all sources derived by such person, persons, association or cor-
poration engaged in or conducting horse-racing.
13. In addition to the license fee and other taxes imposed
by law, every person, firm, association or corporation licensed
to hold racing meetings in the State of Maryland, except bona
fide county fairs or agricultural exhibits, shall pay to the
Maryland Racing Commission for the use of the State of Mary-
land, within five days after the close of each meeting, a tax at
the rate of four per cent. (4%) on the total amount of money
wagered on all races during each and every meeting. The
payment of said tax shall be accompanied by a statement of
the licensee, or his duly authorized agent, under oath, showing
the amount of money wagered each day during the preceding