(2) In the event that a political subdivision has adopted,
or hereafter adopts, a general zoning ordinance regulating,
among other things, the height of buildings, any airport zoning
regulations adopted for the same area or portion thereof
under this sub-title may be incorporated in and made a part of
such general zoning regulations, and be administered and
enforced in connection therewith, but such general zoning
regulations shall not limit the effectiveness or scope of the
regulations adopted under this sub-title.
(3) Any two or more political subdivisions may agree, by
appropriate action of the governing bodies of such political
subdivisions, to create a joint board and delegate to said
boards the powers herein conferred to adopt, revise, administer
and enforce airport zoning regulations to protect the aerial
approaches of any airport located, in whole or in part, within
the corporate limits of any one or more of said political sub-
divisions, subject to such rules, restrictions, guides and stand-
ards as may be established by the governing bodies of such
political subdivisions. Such joint boards shall consist of two
representatives appointed by the chief executive officer of each
political subdivision participating in the creation of said
board, and a Chairman elected by a majority of the members
so appointed. All members and the Chairman of such joint
boards shall be appointed for a term of four (4) years.
Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term of any member
whose term becomes vacant. The members of such board shall
be removable for cause by the appointing authority upon
written charges and after a public hearing. The joint board
shall adopt rules for the conduct of its business. Meetings of
the joint board shall be held at the call of the Chairman and
at such other times as a majority of the board may determine.
The Chairman, or in his absence, the Acting Chairman, may
administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. All
meetings of the joint board shall be open to the public. The
joint board shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing
the vote of each member upon each question, or, if absent or
failing to vote, indicating such fact, and shall keep records
of its examinations and other official actions, all of which
shall be immediately filed in the office of the joint board and
shall be a public record.
(4) In addition to the authority granted in sub-paragraph
(1) of this Section 60, each political subdivision, which owns
an airport, is hereby authorized and empowered to adopt, re-
vise, administer and enforce airport zoning regulations to pro-
tect the aerial approaches of any such airport which is located
wholly or partially outside the corporate limits of said politi-