not entitle the person so employed to the benefits of any pen-
sion laws of this State.
Members of the Commission shall be paid their necessary
expenses incurred in the performance of their duties here-
under. The expenses of the Commission, including the salaries
of any employees, may be defrayed from any funds under the
control of the Board of Public Works. The Commission may
receive assistance, financial or otherwise, from the United
States or any departments, commissions or agencies thereof in
carrying out the purposes of this sub-title.
The Commission is authorized and empowered to make any
and all rules and regulations deemed necessary or useful to
effectuate the carrying out of the provisions of this sub-title,
including particularly, but, without limitation, rules and
regulations governing the form, type, sizes of type, color of
absentee ballots, the arrangement of names of candidates on
said ballots, the location of Constitutional amendments, refer-
enda or other questions, if any, and all other necessary matters
concerning Absentee Ballots, ballot envelopes, return envelopes,
instructions and any other necessary forms. Dimensions of
the Absentee Ballot Envelopes and any other materials shall
be such that all balloting material can be conveniently folded
in a covering envelope not larger than 4 1/2 inches by 9 1/2 inches;
and the weight of all balloting material, including the ballot,
instructions and envelopes, shall not exceed eight tenths of
an ounce. If, however, it is impracticable to secure paper,
envelopes and other ballot material which will conform to the
foregoing dimensions and weight, or if any Act of Congress
changes the aforesaid dimensions or weight, the Commission
is authorized to vary the same.
The Commission is hereby granted the power, in its discre-
tion to authorize the use by the several Boards of postage,
including air mail postage, for the transmittal of all ballot
material to Absentee Residents and the return of the return
envelope, the ballot envelope and ballot by Absentee Residents,
including the power to use different kinds of postage depend-
ing on the location of the Absentee Resident and the time or
times at which the ballot material is mailed. The cost of any
and all postage, so authorized, and used by the several Boards,
shall be paid by the State from any funds under the control
of the Board of Public Works and the Commission and said
Boards are authorized to arrange with County Commissioners
of any county and with the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more for the making of payments for such postage in the first
instance and said County Commissioners and Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore shall thereafter be reimbursed by the
Board of Public Works for said expenditure.