heard de novo and without a jury by said Court as soon as
possible There shall be a further right of appeal to the Court
of Appeals, provided such appeal shall be taken within five
days from the date of the decision of the lower Court com-
plained of, and all such appeals shall be heard and decided on
the original papers, including a typewritten transcript of the
testimony taken in such cases, by the Court of Appeals as soon
as possible after the same have been transmitted to said Court.
Said original papers, including the testimony, shall be trans-
mitted to the Court of Appeals within ten (10) days from the
taking of the appeal.
314BB. The Governor shall appoint, immediately after the
effective date of this sub-title, to each Board two substitutes,
one of whom shall be of the same political party as that of the
majority of the supervisors regularly constituting said Board,
and the other of whom shall be of the same political party as
that of the minority member of said regularly constituted
Board. Before appointing such substitutes it shall be the
Governor's duty to request the State Central Committee repre-
senting such political party in the county or Baltimore City, as
the case may be, to designate candidates for such substitutes in
the same manner as is provided in Section 1 of this Article;
and, if the Governor shall see fit not to appoint any one of
the persons so designated, he shall file his reasons for not doing
so, and shall appoint from another list of names submitted to
him, as provided in said Section 1. In the event of the tem-
porary or permanent incapacity from any cause of one of the
regular members of said Boards, the substitute, who is of the
same political party as the one so incapacitated, shall serve in
his place until such incapacity shall have terminated, and
while so serving shall have all the powers and authority, and
be subject to all the duties imposed upon a Supervisor of Elec-
tions by the other provisions of this sub-title. In the event
that any substitute, while serving, becomes incapacitated, the
Governor shall appoint another person in his place as herein
provided for the original substitute. In the event of a vacancy
by death, resignation, or otherwise, the Governor shall fill such
vacancy as provided in Section 5 of this Article and pending
the filling of said vacancy, the substitute herein provided for
shall serve. Each substitute shall be paid by the county in
which he serves, or by Baltimore City if he actually serves
there, not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) a day for each day
he serves, as in this section and sub-title provided, but no such
substitute shall be entitled to the regular pay provided by law
for a Supervisor of Elections.