incorporated cities, towns, counties, special taxing areas and
other municipal sub-divisions within the State may prescribe
and enforce reasonable traffic regulations by fine or imprison-
ment, either or both in the discretion of the Court, appli-
cable to all vehicular traffic, motor vehicles included, pro-
vided such regulations do not involve any charge of any kind
for the use of their highways, other than reasonable charges
for the parking within space set aside exclusively for park-
ing purposes, in congested sections, and this provision shall
not be deemed as repealed by any Act hereafter passed un-
less this provision is expressly referred to and repealed in
terms, or some other clear evidence given of an intent on the
part of the General Assembly to change the policy of the
State herein declared; and provided further that nothing con-
tained in this section shall be taken to apply to any subse-
quent or contemporaneous Act of the General Assembly of
Maryland itself altering the charges to be made for the reg-
istration or operation of motor vehicles engaged in the busi-
ness of common carriers, or placing such a special class for
regulation in other respects.
No city, county or other municipal sub-division of the
State shall have the right to make or enforce any local ordi-
nance or regulation, under the guise of a traffic regulation,
to compel the sounding of bells, horns or other signalling de-
Nothing in the sub-title shall be taken in any way to add
or to detract from the right of any person injured in his
person or property by the negligent operation of a motor vehi-
cle to sue and recover damages as in the case of the negligent
use or operation of other vehicles, and the violation of any
provision of this sub-title shall not be taken to give any right
of action to any individual who would not be entitled to the
same in the absence of such provision.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That Section 171A
of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Edition of
1924, title "Licenses, " sub-title "Motor Vehicles, " as the said
Section 171A was enacted by Chapter 520 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland, Session of 1927, be and the
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read as fol-
171 A. Except to the extent that they may be specifically
authorized by other provisions of this sub-title, no city, county