Edition), title "Aeronautics, " as said Article was enacted by
Chapter 637 of the Acts of 1927, said section to be known as
Sections 13-25, to be under the sub-title "Uniform Air Licens-
ing Act, " to follow immediately after Section 12 of said Arti-
cle, and to read as follows:
13. (Definition of Terms. ) In this Act, the term "Air-
craft means any contrivance now known or hereafter invented,
used, or designed for navigation of or flight in the air, except
a parachute or other contrivance designed for such navigation
but used primarily as safety equipment.
The term "Public Aircraft" means an aircraft used exclu-
sively in the governmental service of the United States or of
any state or territory thereof.
The term "Civil Aircraft" means any aircraft other than
a public aircraft.
The term "Airman" means any individual (including the
person in command, and any pilot, mechanic or member of the
crew) who engages in the navigation of aircraft while under
way, and any individual who is in charge of the inspection,
overhauling, or repairing of aircraft.
The term "person" means an individual, a partnership, or
two or more individuals having a joint or common interest,
or a corporation.
The term "Commission" means the State Aviation Commis-
14. (Federal Law Followed) It is hereby declared that
the policy, principles and practices established by the United
States Air Commerce Act of 1926, and all amendments there-
to, are hereby adopted and extended and made applicable,
mutatis mutandis, to cover all air traffic in this State, so far
as not covered by federal law at any time.
14A. There is hereby created a State Aviation Commission
consisting of five members, to be appointed by the Governor,
for a term of three years, the members of said Commission to
serve without compensation. One member shall be Chairman
and one member shall be Secretary-Treasurer. Not less than
three members of the above Commission shall be licensed pilots
or have had at least 5 years' actual experience as pilots.
The Commission shall have power to procure and use an offi-
cial seal and to employ such secretarial and clerical assistance