may appoint any three voters to act as judges, and the proceed-
ings shall be recorded under their direction; and every com-
missioner or person so appointed, before he opens an election,
shall make oath before a justice of the peace for Caroline
County that he will faithfully and impartially permit every
person to vote at such election who shall be qualified to vote
for commissioners of said town, and that he will not suffer
any person to vote at such election who shall not be legally
qualified to vote, and the five persons having the highest num-
ber of votes shall be declared elected.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That if at any time an
election shall not be held for commissioners on the day men-
tioned in this Act, an election may be held at any time after
ten days' notice thereof shall have been given by the commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, and in the event that a majority
of the said commissioners shall become disqualified to act, or
shall have failed, or shall fail to hold an election for the space
of thirty days from the first Saturday in May in any year,
then it shall be lawful for any three or more qualified voters
of said town to give notice, either by written or printed hand-
bills, or by publication in some newspaper, of an election to be
held on a certain date, at least ten days from the date of pub-
lication or posting of such notice for commissioners under this
Act, and a majority of voters present at the hour fixed by said
notice for the commencement of said election shall select three
judges to hold said election.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That if any election held
under this Act two or more persons shall receive the same num-
ber of votes for commissioner of said town, the judges of said
election shall, after having given five days' notice of the time
and place, proceed to hold another election to fill up said board
of commissioners, and the person or persons receiving the
highest number of votes at said election shall, with those pre-
viously chosen, if any, constitute the commissioners of Marydel.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That if any vacancy
shall occur by death, resignation, removal or failure to act of
one or more of the commissioners elected as aforesaid, the re-
maining commissioners, or a majority of them, shall elect a
proper person to fill said vacancy.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That every commis-
sioner, before he proceeds to act as such, shall make oath be-