thereon shall be and remain exempt from State, County and
Municipal taxes.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all of said Two
Million Dollars ($2, 000, 000) of said bonds shall be dated the
first day of June, 1929, and shall be sold in series according
to their maturity and each series lettered alphabetically with
a different letter or letters beginning with the letter and
numeral 3A, and the bonds of each series numbered consecu-
tively beginning with number 1. And said bonds shall be so
issued that the principal of said loan shall accrue and be
payable as follows:
$65, 000..........
June 1st, 1930
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1931
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1932
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1933
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1934
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1935
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1936
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1937
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1938
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1939
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1940
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1941
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1942
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1943
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1944
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1945
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1946
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1947
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1948
65, 000..........
June 1st, 1949
70, 000..........
June 1st, 1950
70, 000..........
June 1st, 1951
70, 000..........
June 1st, 1952
70, 000..........
June 1st, 1953
70, 000..........
June 1st, 1954
70, 000..........
June 1st, 1955
70, 000..........
June 1st, 1956
70, 000..........
June 1st, 1957
70, 000..........
June 1st, 1958
70, 000..........
June 1st, 1959
Said bonds shall be known as "Public School Bonds of
Baltimore County. "