for taxation in the county or city for which such supervisor
is appointed and said salaries shall be as follows:
If the aggregate value shall not exceed $5, 000, 000 the an-
nual salary shall be $600.
If over $5, 000, 000 and less than $10, 000, 000.. $800
If over $10, 000, 000 and less than $20, 000, 000.. 1, 000
If over $20, 000, 000 and less than $30, 000, 000.. 1, 200
If over $30, 000, 000 and less than $50, 000, 000.. 1, 500
If over $50, 000, 000 and less than $75, 000, 000.. 1, 800
If over $75, 000, 000 and less than $100, 000, 000.. 2, 000
If over $100, 000, 000 the salary shall be.......... 2, 400
The annual salaries of the Supervisors in Baltimore City
and in Washington County shall also be $2, 400. The salaries
of all supervisors shall be paid monthly by the several Counties
and Mayor and City Council of Baltimore who are hereby di-
rected to levy annually such sums as may be required to pay
the same.
171. The Local Supervisor of Assessments provided for
in this Article shall, in addition to his other duties act as
chief assessor in his particular county, with such additional
duties as the State Tax Commission shall determine and
designate. At such time as shall be ordered by the State
Tax Commission, each of the several Boards of County Com-
missioners in the State of Maryland shall appoint such num-
ber of County Assessors as shall be ordered by the State Tax
Commission; and for incompetency or any other cause, the
State Tax Commission shall have the authority and power to
dismiss and discharge any of such County Assessors, and to
require the County Commissioners of any of the several coun-
ties as the case may be, to appoint a competent individual to
fill the vacancy, or the said State Tax Commission in its dis-
cretion shall have the authority and power to fill said vacancy
with a competent individual. The compensation of the
County and additional Assessors, at the rate of five dollars
per day each, unless some other rate shall be fixed by the
County Commissioners with the approval of the State Tax
Commission, as well as all other expenses incident to local
assessment, shall be fixed and levied for by the several Boards
of the County Commissioners.
172. All assessors appointed under the provisions of this
Article shall take and subscribe to the oath provided for in
the Constitution before the Clerk of the Circuit or Superior