AN ACT to authorize, empower and direct the Board of Coun-
ty Commissioners of Howard County to borrow upon the
faith and credit of said county, to the amount of Eighty
Thousand Dollars ($80, 000. 00), and to issue and sell coupon
bonds therefor, the proceeds thereof to be used (1) for the
erection and equipment of a new high school building at
Elkridge, and (2) for the repairing and improvement of the
school buildings now owned by said county, to provide for
the payment of interest on said bonds and of the principal
thereof, by the levy of taxes, to create a Commission to carry
out the provisions of this Act in conjunction with the Board
of Education of Howard County, and declaring this Act an
emergency law.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Board of County Commissioners of How-
ard County be, and they are hereby, authorized, empowered
and directed to issue serial coupon bonds on the faith and credit
of said county, to the amount of Eighty Thousand Dollars
($80, 000. 00), par value, said bonds to be issued in denomina-
tions of One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00), or a multiple there-
of, to bear interest at a rate not exceeding four and one-half
(4½%) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the
first day of January and the first day of July, in each year,
during which said bonds shall be outstanding and remain un-
paid, to be signed by the President of the County Commission-
ers of said county, and the Treasurer of said county (provided
that the coupons for the interest thereon may be authenticated
by the engraved, lithographed or printed signature of the Pres-
ident of said County Commissioners), to have the corporate
seal of said County Commissioners of Howard County affixed
thereto, and to be exempt from all state, county and municipal
taxes. The said bonds shall have written or printed on them
a distinct reference to the Act authorizing the issue and shall
be designated as "Howard County School Bonds of 1929. "
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That said bonds shall
be elated July 1st, 1929, and shall be issued according to what
is known as the Serial Annuity Plan, and the Series shall be
lettered beginning with the letter A and so on down the alpha-
bet, until the said amount of Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80, -