stance, "J. and W's. 3rd Add. to Hyattsville. " The amount
of said taxes and/or assessments, interest, penalties and costs
may be indicated by the dollar sign and a period in the same
way dollars and cents are usually written in figures as, for in-
stance, "$3. 50. " The said Treasurer shall publish said list in
some newspaper published in the town of Hyattsville once a
week for three successive weeks prior to the first Monday in
April for each year real estate is advertised to be sold for such
taxes and assessments. Each piece of real estate so advertised
for sale shall bear a charge of Seventy Cents to cover the costs
of said advertisement, and a charge of Twenty-Five Cents to
cover the costs of said verifying the name or names of the
owner or owners of such real estate, provided that where two
or more pieces of real estate are owned by the same owner or
owners there shall be one charge of Seventy Cents and but one
charge of Twenty-Five Cents as aforesaid upon such pieces of
real estate and when real estate has been sold under this Act
and has not been redeemed before the issuance of the order of
publication hereinafter provided, there shall be an additional
Seventy Cents charged to each piece of real estate so sold and un-
redeemed, provided that where two or more pieces of real estate are
owned by the same owner or owners, there shall be but one charge
of Seventy Cents upon such pieces of real estate, and these
charges shall be included in the report of sale of the Treasurer
of the Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville as a charge
upon such real estate.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is an emer-
gency Act, and necessary to the preservation of the health and
and safety of the citizens of Hyattsville and of the State of
Maryland, and three-fifths of the members of both Houses hav-
ing concurred therein by a yea and nay vote, it is declared to be
an emergency Act and as such shall take effect from the date of
its passage.
Approved April 2, 1929.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the County Commissioners
of Prince George's County, to borrow upon the faith and
credit of said County, a sum not to exceed Five Hundred
and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($550, 000), and to issue and sell
coupon bonds therefor, and to pay over the proceeds thereof,
after certain deductions, to the State Roads Commission to
be used and expended by said commission for the purpose