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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 559   View pdf image (33K)
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down the alphabet, until the said amount of One Million Dol-
lars ($1, 000, 000. 00) shall have been issued, so that the entire
principal sum shall be redeemable as follows:

Series A
Series B
Series C
Series D
Series E
Series F
Series G
Series H
Series I
Series J
Series K
Series L
Series M
Series N
Series O
Series P
Series Q
Series R
Series S
Series T
Series U
Series V
Series W
Series X
Series Y
Series Z
Series AA
Series BB
Series CC
Series DD
Series EE

$14, 000. 00
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56, 000. 00
54, 000. 00

July 1, 1930
July 1, 1931
July 1, 1932
July 1, 1933
July 1, 1934
July 1, 1935
July 1, 1936
July 1, 1937
July 1, 1938
July 1, 1939
July 1, 1940
July 1, 1941
July 1, 1942
July 1, 1943
July 1, 1944
July 1, 1945
July 1, 1946
July 1, 1947
July 1, 1948
July 1, 1949
July 1, 1950
July 1, 1951
July 1, 1952
July 1, 1953
July 1, 1954
July 1, 1955
July 1, 1956
July 1, 1957
July 1, 1958
July 1, 1959
July 1, 1960

SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the funds realized
from the sale of said bonds shall be deposited by the said
Board of Education in the following banks in the City of
Annapolis and Maryland: Farmers' National Bank, Annap-
olis Banking and Trust Company, State Capital Bank of the
Eastern Shore Trust Company, Annapolis Savings Institu-
tion, Glen Burnie Bank of the Eastern Shore Trust Company,
and the West River Bank of the Annapolis Banking and Trust


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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 559   View pdf image (33K)
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