ness in the State of Maryland, and the premium on said
bond shall be paid by the County Commissioners of Prince
George's County; which Deputy Clerk in the absence of the
Clerk shall act in his place and stead, and be vested with his
authority, and the Deputy Clerk shall receive a salary of not
more than Twelve. Hundred Dollars ($1, 200. 00) per annum:
but nothing in this Act shall prevent the appointment of the
same individual as County Road Clerk at the salary now fixed
by law for said Road Clerk, and the total salary so received
as the Deputy Clerk to the County Commissioners and as
Clerk to said Road Board shall not exceed Eighteen Hundred
Dollars ($1, 800. 00) per annum.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1929.
Approved April 11, 1929.
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more to issue stock or certificates of indebtedness to an
amount not exceeding Two Million Dollars ($2, 000, 000. 00)
for the purpose of defraying the costs and expenses of con-
demning, opening, widening, straightening, closing, grading
and paving streets, avenues, and alleys, and for the con-
struction of new bridges, the repairing of existing bridges
and the abolishing of grade crossings in Baltimore City; to
authorize the submission of an ordinance or ordinances for
said purposes to the legal voters of the City of Baltimore;
and to authorize the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
to provide by ordinance or ordinances for the expenditure
of the proceeds of said loan, the rate or rates of interest to
be paid thereon and the manner of repayment of said loan.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore be,
and it is hereby authorized to issue stock or certificates of in-
debtedness of said corporation to an amount not exceeding Two
Million Dollars ($2, 000, 000. 00), said stock or certificates of
indebtedness to be issued from time to time and for such
amounts payable at such periods and to bear such rate or rates