quents, as hereinafter provided, as are allowed collectors of
taxes under the provisions of the Code of Public General Laws,
and the further sum of twenty-five cents for each person's
property assessed by him, and five cents for each dog or bitch
returned to the County Commissioners and by them ordered
to be entered on the assessment books of the county; but dogs
in the incorporated towns which impose a tax thereon shall not
be assessed by the County Commissioners; said Treasurer shall,
before entering upon his duties of his office, execute to the
State of Maryland, two bonds, with sureties to be approved by
the County Commissioners, one for fifteen thousand dol-
lars, conditioned for the faithful collection and payment to
the State Treasurer of all State taxes levied and placed in his
hands for collection and the faithful performance of all other
duties devolving on him, and another bond for twenty-five
thousand dollars, conditioned for the proper collection and dis-
bursement of all taxes levied and placed in his hands for Kent
County, and the faithful performance of all other duties de-
volving upon him; said bonds to be filed and recorded in the
office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for said county.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1929.
Approved April 11, 1929.
AN ACT to repeal Section 55 of Article 59 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1924 Edition), title "Lunatics and In-
sane, " sub-title "Rosewood State Training School, " said
section relating to appropriations to said institution.
WHEREAS, since the adoption of the Budget Amendment, sec-
tions of the Code providing for specific appropriations to the
several departments are useless and superfluous; therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 55 of Article 59 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1924 Edition), title "Lunatics and In-
sane, " sub-title "Rosewood State Training School, " be and it is
hereby repealed.