panics in said Worcester County; and providing for the
distribution and expenditure of the funds so raised.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland., That the County Commissioners of Worcester
County be and they are hereby authorized, empowered and
directed to levy annually, at the time for making their regular
levy for county taxes, a special tax of one cent on each one
hundred dollars of assessable property in said Worcester
County, the funds so raised to be distributed and expended
by the said County Commissioners of Worcester County for
the assistance, maintenance and support of the various incor-
porated volunteer fire companies in said Worcester County as
hereinafter more particularly set forth.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted as aforesaid, That the
funds so raised by the levy of taxes as aforesaid shall be dis-
tributed and expended by the County Commissioners of Wor-
cester County in the manner following, that is to say: Three-
fourths of the said funds so raised shall be equally divided
among the incorporated volunteer fire companies in the towns
of Ocean City, Berlin, Snow Hill, Stockton and Pocomoke
City and shall be paid to said companies on or before the
first day of February next succeeding the date on which said
taxes shall be levied; the remaining one-fourth of the funds
so raised by taxation as aforesaid shall be expended by the
said County Commissioners of Worcester County in their
discretion in the assistance, maintenance and support of any
volunteer fire company or companies in said Worcester Coun-
ty which shall organize and incorporate subsequent to March
1st, 1929, provided, however, that any of the funds levied
and raised under this Act which may remain unexpended in
the hands of the said County Commissioners on the last day
of the fiscal year for which said taxes shall have been levied
shall be distributed by the said County Commissioners equally
among all of the incorporated volunteer fire companies in said
Worcester County.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted as aforesaid. That this
Act shall take effect June 1, 1929.
Approved April 11, 1929.