SEC. 2. And be it further enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That there be added immediately after Section
7C of Chapter 153 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland of 1922, as amended by Chapters 167 and 177 of
the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1927, two
new sections to be known as Sections 7D and 7E, to read as-
7D. That in the event the Mayor, Treasurer, or any Coun-
cilman, or any or all of them, dies, resigns, or is removed from
office, his successor shall be appointed or elected as follows:.
The Council shall elect one of its members as Mayor to serve
for the unexpired term or until his successor is elected and
qualified. The Mayor shall appoint any qualified person as
Councilman to serve the unexpired term of a Councilman who-
has died, resigned, or been removed from office or elected to
fill the unexpired term of Mayor. The Mayor shall appoint,
subject to the approval of the Council a qualified person to
serve as Treasurer to fill the unexpired term of office of any
Treasurer who has died, resigned, or been removed from office.
7E. That in the event any elective officer shall have been
convicted of any felony, involving1 moral turpitude, by a
court of competent jurisdiction, or is guilty of malfeasance,
misfeasance or nonfeasance in office, may be impeached and
removed from office; provided, however, that before any im-
peachment proceedings may be brought against any elective
officer, a petition shall be filed with the Mayor and Town
Council containing at least twenty-five names of qualified
voters, which petition shall set forth the offense or offenses for
which the said elective officer shall be tried and that the facts
set forth in said petition shall be under oath and signed by the
informant; that upon receipt by the Mayor and Town Council
of such petition, it shall be the duty of the said Mayor and
Town Council to notify the elective officer named in the said
petition of the charges made against him, by furnishing said
elective officer with a copy of the said petition duly certified
by the Clerk as being true and correct, and naming a day and
hour and place certain for a hearing: as hereinafter provided
for said elective officer to appear and stand trial before the
Mayor and Town Council, acting as impeachment officers;
provided, however, that the said elective officer shall have at
least 10 days' notice of said hearing, and for good cause shown