5. That at the first election of officers held under this Char-
ter, the qualified voters of the town shall elect a Mayor and
Treasurer to serve the term of two years and shall elect
four Councilmen, one from each Ward, to be voted for by
the qualified voters of each Ward, two to serve for the term of
two years and two to serve for the term of one year. At the
first meeting the Mayor and Town Council shall designate the
time to be served by each Councilman. At each successive
annual election the qualified voters of each Ward in which
there is a vacancy shall elect a Councilman to serve for the
term of two years. The Mayor and Treasurer must continually
reside in said town, and each Councilman in his respective
Ward during their term of office, and the Mayor and Coun-
cilmen shall receive no compensation for their services except
that the Mayor shall receive the fees hereinafter1 allowed;
provided, however, that the Mayor and the members of the
Council, or any of them, may be reimbursed or paid for any
expenses incurred or losses sustained by them while perform-
ing his or their official duties on behalf of the town. The
Mayor and Town Council, in their discretion, may fix such
compensation for the Treasurer as they may deem just and
8. That any party desiring to run for said Mayor, Treas-
urer, or Councilman of said town shall be at least 23 years of
age, and shall have resided within the corporate limits of said
town at least two years prior to election, and each of whom
shall be assessed on the books of said town of Prince George's
County for at least $300. 00; and any person desiring to run
for said Mayor and Treasurer of said town shall file with the
Board of Election Supervisors of said town, as provided for
in Section 7A of this Act, a petition containing the names of
at least 20 persons, voters in the town of Brentwood; and any
person desiring to rim for Councilman from his Ward shall
file a petition with said Board of Election Supervisors con-
taining the names of at least 10 voters in his Ward at least
fifteen days, including Sundays and legal holidays, prior to
election. When said petitions have been filed and the time
for their filing having expired, the Board of Election Super-
visors shall cause to be published in some manner as shall give
general publicity, the names of the petitioners and the position
to which they aspire.