AN ACT to authorize and empower the Mayor and Common
Council of Mount Rainier, Maryland, with the approval of
the qualified voters of said town, to levy and collect annually
a special assessment of not to exceed twenty cents on each
one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation of all real
and personal property in the town appearing on the books of
the town treasurer the tax so levied and the money collected
thereon to be used exclusively for the establishment and
maintenance of a garbage and/or ash and/or trash collection
and disposal service within the corporate limits of said
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor and Common Council of Mount
Rainier, a municipal corporation, be and it is hereby authorized
and empowered to levy and collect annually a special assess-
ment of not to exceed twenty cents on each one hundred dollars
of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property in
the town, appearing on the books of the town treasurer; the
money derived from such special assessment to be used exclu-
sively for the establishment and maintenance of a garbage
and/or ash and/or trash collection and disposal service within
the corporate limits of said town, said garbage and/or ash
and/or trash collection and disposal service to be established
and maintained by said Mayor and Common Council of Mount
Rainer, Maryland, either as a municipal operation or by contract
with such person, firm or corporation as may be satisfactory to
the said Mayor and Common Council of Mount Rainier, and the
said Mayor and Common Council of Mount Rainier, Maryland,
are hereby authorized and empowered to pass such ordinances
which they may deem necessary from time to time in order
to provide for the proper collection and disposal of said gar-
bage, ashes and trash and to prescribe such penalties for the
violation thereof as they may now prescribe for the violation
of town ordinances under the authority heretofore granted by
Section 15 of Chapter 200 of the Acts of Maryland of 1916.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That said Mayor and
Common Council of Mount Rainier are hereby authorized and
empowered to levy and collect the special assessment provided
for in Section 1 hereof in the same manner provided in the