property and collect from the owners thereof the cost of road-
ways, alleys, curbs, sidewalks and gutters, the assessment being
In proportion to the number of assessable front feet owned,
abutting on the streets where same are constructed or are
about to be constructed; provided that when property fronts
or abuts on two or more streets, where such improvements are
made, or about to be made, the abutting front feet shall be
computed for the purpose of assessment hereunder as one-half
of the total front feet abutting on said improvements.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted. That such assessments
when made, shall constitute a tax or lien upon such abutting
property with priority over all liens recorded after the pass-
age of this Act, and shall be payable in ten equal annual in-
stallments from the date of said assessment, said installments
to bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per centum per
annum, and any assessment or part thereof remaining due
and unpaid shall be enforced and collected by the Cottage
City Commission in the same manner as town taxes are col-
lected, provided the Cottage City Commission shall give two
weeks' notice to the owners of all abutting property, by ad-
vertisement, published at least once a week in one or more
newspapers published in Prince George's County, Maryland,
which has a circulation in Cottage City, which advertising
shall state the date on which such assessment shall be made
and warning all abutting property owners to appear at the
time and place stated in said advertisement or notice, to show
cause, if any there be, why said assessment should not be
made as proposed. Any person aggrieved by the action of
the Cottage City Commission shall have the right to appeal
to the Circuit Court for Prince George's County, Maryland,
provided such appeal is taken within ten days next succeed-
ing the day on which said assessment is made.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Cottage City
Commission shall not construct or improve roadways, alleys,
curbs, sidewalks and gutters under this Act unless and until
the owners of fifty-one per centum (51%) of the property
abutting streets where" such improvements are proposed shall
petition the said Cottage City Commission to that effect, but
the Cottage City Commission shall have the discretion and
final determination as to the construction of all said work,
notwithstanding such petition.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of
this Act shall not become effective until the same shall be sub-