STATEMENT "B"—Continued.
Act of Assembly
Chapter No.
County Commissioners of Montgom-
ery County.......................
3, 707. 38
3, 707. 38
County Commissioners of Prince
George's County.................
3, 160. 80
3, 160. 80
Hospital for Women of Maryland....
3, 250. 00
3, 250. 00
Jewish Home for Consumptives.....
16, 000. 00
16, 000. 00
Kernan Hospital for Crippled and
Deaf Children...................
13, 000. 00
13, 000. 00
Nursery and Child's Hospital........
4, 500. 00
4, 500. 00
Silver Cross Home..................
1, 500. 00
1, 500. 00
South Baltimore General Hospital...
9, 000. 00
9, 000. 00
Victory Hospital...................
8, 750. 00
8, 750. 00
Western Maryland Hospital.........
8, 250. 00
8, 250. 00
Washington Sanatorium............
1, 000. 00
1, 000. 00
Public Institutions —
House of Correction and Maryland
189, 425, 00
$493, 229. 42
682, 654. 42
House of Reformation for Colored
20, 000. 00
20, 000. 00
Maryland Training School for Boys.
146, 360. 00
146, 360. 00
Montrose School for Girls..........
60, 694. 91
60, 694. 91
Private Institutions —
St. Mary's Industrial School.........
50, 000. 00
50, 000. 00
Maryland Prisoner's Aid Association
5, 000. 00
5, 000. 00
House of Good Shepherd............
6, 000. 00
6, 000. 00
House of Good Shepherd (Colored)..
4, 000. 00
4, 000. 00
Industrial Home for Colored Girls...
4, 000. 00
4, 000. 00