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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 1453   View pdf image (33K)
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penditures called for in the Bill. For this reason we are un-
able to advise you to sign the bill, and we, therefore, recom-
mend that you veto it.

The bill in the form in which it was finally passed is so
obscurely and ambiguously worded that we do not believe it
will fully accomplish the purposes for which it was intended,
but as the subject is one of such vital importance we recom-
mend that you appoint a Commission to study the whole ques-
tion and report to you before the next session of the Legisla-
ture as to the wisdom of legislation of this character, and to
suggest the most practicable and workable form which such
proposed legislation should take.

Respectfully submitted,

ALLAN McLANE, Chairman,

For the reasons set out in the above report, there is nothing
for me to do except disapprove the measure,

I will, of course, adopt the committee's recommendation and
appoint a commission to study the whole question thoroughly
and report to the next session of the General Assembly as to
the wisdom of legislation of this character, and to suggest the
most practicable and workable form which such legislation
should take.

In addition to this, I will try to arrange with the Commis-
sioner of Motor Vehicles for him to send one or more men.
from his department to one or two of the counties of the State
for the purpose of actually issuing the 1930 licenses there.
The cost of trying out the experiment on a small scale like this
could probably be met, and this would furnish a practical
demonstration of exactly how the plan of issuing licenses in
the counties would work.

In connection with this general subject, it is important to
remember that the recent Legislature passed a bill authorizing
the purchaser of a, new car to use the tags from his old car
on the new car for a period of five days, during which time he
can secure his new license. I will approve this bill. It
will enable the purchaser to transfer his old tags to his new car
and drive off in the new car at once, and I feel confident that


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Session Laws, 1929
Volume 572, Page 1453   View pdf image (33K)
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